Over a year ago, I wondered in the shower: "Why aren't there any publications where I can simply express my curiosity, writing about various topics - from culture and philosophy to spirituality and science? Wait. There are no such publications..." After a minute or two, I jumped out of the shower to my laptop and created Irrelevant Matters on Medium - yes, in a towel. Well, now you know.

It was not without difficulties, but the history of the pub continues. The idea of publication simplifies as I understand it better and its essence is to spread curiosity and ideas without dogma, ideology, and politics. Quite an unpopular approach for a portal in today's polarized world. But every time I dive into mainstream content or engage with publishers on larger platforms, I'm glad to have a place free from all this nonsense.

I'm so happy that in a world that squeezes us from childhood and obligates us to learn about everything and everyone, but not a single thing about ourselves, Genius Turner challenges us to look in the mirror and discover our superpower - our hidden Genius. And I love how Katrina Paulson challenges our false beliefs of great superiority, showing us that we are not the only people that built structures. Besides, after all these serious years in the writing community, I'm thrilled to finally be able to compete with a worthy opponent: cat videos.

There is also room for practical productivity tips, based on a wild combination of culture and science with philosophy and spirituality. Or scientific articles describing discoveries that may impact women's health.

Anyway, it's only our third official week and I'm already proud of this place.

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